February 04, 2025 4 min read
Garlic can be known for anything from a delicious type of bread, to a vampire repellent, to bad breath. This vegetable packs a lot more into itself than what meets the eye, and it has a variety of seasonal and medicinal uses. In addition to its health benefits, garlic is an excellent way to add alkalinity to your diet.
Terms like alkaline and acidic are commonplace in a chemistry classroom, but their real-world applications are not always understood. First, understanding the pH scale will help better define what alkaline and acidic are, especially in terms of food.
The pH scale assigns numbers 0 to 14 to substances soluble in water. As the number decreases, the substance becomes more acidic. As the numbers increase, the substance becomes more alkaline. The human body requires a specific pH level to function optimally, and eating too much acidic food (as is common in most diets) can pull your body out of its preferred pH level. Therefore, eating a balanced diet with plenty of alkaline foods and drinks can help keep the body at equilibrium.
While many people think of garlic as a food flavoring, it is actually categorized as a bulb vegetable. Bulb vegetables come with many positive health effects. For example, garlic and other bulb vegetables are prebiotics, which are important for your gut health and can help the digestive system run properly (1). Additionally, garlic works as an anti-inflammatory and is a good source of fiber, manganese, and vitamin C (2). It has also been used as “a folk remedy for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease,” but more research needs to be conducted to support these claims (3).
Garlic does, however, present minor side effects to some demographics. While many people can eat garlic without noticing any side effects, garlic can be associated with acid reflux, heartburn, upset stomach, and bad breath/body odor (3).
While many people use the pH to measure a substance’s alkalinity or acidity, it does not always correspond to the effect that substance has on the body. The same is true for foods. Garlic, technically, is a low-acid vegetable (4). Its pH ranges from 5.3 to 6.3, making it a weak acid. That being said, garlic does not act as an acid once ingested. In fact, garlic (especially raw garlic) will alkalize the body (1). Adding garlic to your diet can help balance your body’s pH levels.
The average diet of an American consists heavily of acidic foods. These foods include meat, grains, fish, soda, and sugar, and consuming so many acidic foods can be detrimental to your body. In fact, the human body needs to function at a very specific pH range. Typically, to work at its optimal level, the body needs to stay in a pH range between 7.35 and 7.45. In layman's terms, the body needs to sit right above neutral. However, with the heavily acidic diets most people consume, it is possible for the body to drop out of this ideal pH range. Adding more alkalinity to your diet can help raise your body’s pH level back to equilibrium, once again functioning properly.
Eating more alkaline foods, like fruit, vegetables, and soy products, can effectively add alkalinity to your diet if it is paired with cutting out some acidic foods. For those who prefer to not change their diet, there is another way to add more alkalinity to your diet without drastically cutting out certain foods. Replacing your regular drinking water with alkaline water is a simple solution to your body’s low pH levels. Alkaline water, especially that run through a Seychelle pH filter, can hold a pH level of up to 9.5, which can help balance even the most acidic of diets.
In addition to bringing the body’s pH levels back to equilibrium, alkaline water comes with a variety of other health benefits. Drinking alkaline water has been connected to regulated blood sugar, increased hydration, and improved blood circulation. It is also thought to help with weight loss and heartburn symptoms.
Garlic, like most vegetables, can help alkalize the body. While it is technically a weak acid, when digested, garlic can help raise the body’s pH. Additionally, garlic is good for your gut health and contains all sorts of healthy nutrients. Garlic, especially raw garlic, can be an easy way to add more alkalinity to your diet.
Does garlic cause acidity in the body?
No. Garlic has an alkalizing effect on the body.
Is olive oil alkaline or acidic?
Olive oil, like most vegetable oils, is considered a “weak acid.” However, olive oil is alkaline-leaning, which means it has an alkalizing effect on the body.
What is the highest alkaline food?
Leafy greens, especially spinach and kale, are the foods with the highest natural alkalinity.
References Cited
Country Club Dental,https://countryclubdentalflagstaff.com/6-alkaline-foods-eat-for-dental-health/#:~:text=Raw%20garlic%20is%20not%20only,cooking%20onions%20increases%20their%20alkalinity.
Marie Johnson,Healthline,https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-proven-health-benefits-of-garlic#low-calorie
Deborah Weatherspoon,Healthline,https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/garlic-acid-reflux
Linda Harris,University of Rhode Island,https://web.uri.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/uc_davis_garlic.pdf